Here’s a look at some of the tools and skills that Andrew uses in the treatment room


Andrew uses fine sterile single use needles which are inserted at specific places on the body called acupoints.  Put simply, these needles trigger a cascade of neurotransmitter and hormone release which focus your body’s ability to heal itself.  Acupuncture is a minimally invasive procedure and when done properly, does not cause any pain.  You may notice that Andrew uses acupoints that are often far away from the area you are having trouble with.  This highlights the uniqueness of CM and it’s meridian system, which acts as communication network in the body, connecting head to toe.

Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM)

Andrew also  uses CHM to help you achieve your health goals.  Many Chinese herbs are common food items that you would already have in your kitchen like ginger, licorice and brown rice.  In addition to these are hundreds of other natural products (all TGA approved) that can be combined together to form herbal formulas.  These formulas are customised to suit your particular pattern of imbalance.  Depending on the circumstances you may be asked to drink a herbal tea, take a herbal capsule or use a highly concentrated tincture.  Andrew does not use or prescribe herbals that are derived from endangered or illegally trafficked animals or plants.


Andrew trained in both Thai massage and Chinese Tui Na and uses both on a daily basis for diagnosing a condition and also for treatment.  He believes that the muscles of the body have a story to tell and by palpating the meridians, the information that is stored in this communication network will  help him with diagnosis and to determine a course of treatment for you.


Cupping is another skill that Andrew uses often in the treatment room.  It’s a technique that has been used in many traditional medical settings worldwide for thousands of years.  Suction is applied to the body surface using heat and glass or plastic cups.   Cupping often leaves marks on your skin that fade with time.  Andrew can ‘read’  the cupping marks to deepen his understanding of your condition.


Moxa, or mugwort are common names for the herb Artemesiae Argyi Folium that is used to perform Moxatherapy.  It comes in many forms like rolled into a cigar or in its raw, dried state called ‘punk’.  Whatever the form, it is ignited and due to its ability to smolder slowly, it  produces steady  heat and releases it’s essential oils.  If you have a problem with cold in your body, Andrew will most definitely use Moxatherapy.

Diet and Lifestyle advice

Throughout the history of CM, practitioners and scholars have always put a lot of emphasis on diet and lifestyle for the purpose of helping people live long and healthy lives. Following this tradition, Andrew considers these two things as  your ‘homework’ as they are decisions that you make everyday and can have a tremendous influence on the success of your treatment.  Some health conditions improve far more quickly if dietary changes are used to support the other therapies that you are receiving.  Movement and exercise, where appropriate, can also help you move on from health crisis to well being.  It is in this area that Andrew draws on his training in Tai Chi and Qi Gong to best assist you.

Treatment costs

Initial Consultation and Treatment – $110(1hr)
Follow up treatment – $90 (45mins)
NB: When appropriate, Andrew often prescribes herbal medicine to support the acupuncture work that you are doing. These prescriptions are an additional cost to the acupuncture. A course of herbal medicine is often 2 weeks and can cost anywhere from $40 – $100.